Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 24th, 2011

The scale was good to me last night! I lost 2lbs this last week... I've been doing Weight Watchers the way I am suppose to do it and after about a week off I started jogging again! I couldn't believe how hard it was after only a week! Now as soon as this snow melts I will go again! I'm determined to do this, it's just gonna take awhile!
Jared and I have a little competition going on... whoever loses the most weight in a month has to give the other $100 out of their fire dept paycheck! I'm pretty confident I'm gonna win... after going with me on my jog night before last he asked me to buy him a snickers, oreos and ice cream when I went to the store after we got home... I compromised and bought him low fat ice cream! Speaking of my husband going with me on my jog... I didn't use my mp3 player when he went with me because I felt like it would be rude to have it and ignore him or me have one and him not... I didn't realize how hard it is to run without music! It was hard to pace myself and boring because I kept running up ahead of Jared and then having to turn around and walk back to him (his calf was hurting for some reason)!
Rode on the ambulance a couple of times this last week... went on a call during drill last Thursday... it was def a bit interesting... and then rode on Monday since Jared was home from work... there wasn't much for calls but I did learn how to take blood pressures! Drill tonight probably won't be something I'll understand yet so I am hoping they have some medical calls and I can jump on and help! I absolutely love it and know without a doubt in my mind that being a paramedic is what I want to do! I can't wait to get into school and get busy working towards it!
Kiddos are doing great... Dylan has started to army crawl anywhere he wants to go and is starting to attempt to pull himself up onto things... he pulled himself up into the diaper changing supply box last night and made a big mess which he was very proud of! Gavin is talking sooo much, it amazes me everyday all the words, phrases and even sentences he's putting together... he really amazed me on Monday when he said damn it... he used it the right way too... first he spilled some yogurt on the table and said it, so seriously... like he was really annoyed with it, then he said it again when he couldn't get his trike to turn around in the hallway... guess it's time for me to start watching my mouth... I really don't swear or cuss much at all but the d word is the one I use when I use one! Oops...
Trenton is doing pretty good, he is doing really well with reading & math, needs a little work on his handwriting but what 7 year old boy doesn't! I'm trying to get him switched out the classroom he's in to a regular 2nd grade classroom... it's seriously ridiculous.... pretty sure I'm gonna have to jump through hoops and make a big fuss in order to do so... but it's gonna happen whether they do it or I take him out and put him in the charter school!

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